Hiking TrailsThere are several short trails from which to enjoy Selmier State Forest.Self-Guided Forest Management Trail - One mile. Tree identification, successional areas, timber standimprovement practices and a pond are features of this trail.White Pine TrailWalnut TrailCabin TrailBig Woods TrailGill Pond TrailOld Pond Trail
Hikers are advised to wear hunter orange or other bright clothing while on trails during hunting season.

Home to the Versailles State Park where you can fish, go boating, slide into the swimming pool, camp, go horseback riding, or take a hike. Enjoy the annual Bluegrass Festival the first weekend of October. Centered in the middle of a triangle between Indianapolis, IN, Cincinnati, OH, and Louisville, KY, we have many family events throughout the spring, summer, and fall-- 888-747-5394.
18.9 miles from park*