Park Visitor: Comments, Memories and Reviews
December 20 clear cutting by

There are thousands of acres to clear of trees. Readers Digest version...Why are the clear cuts being done in the small horse back riding community of Altoona/Pitman area? We riders from around the world use twenty square miles.....why decimate the public lands where the boomers have spent good moneyto buy homes in these towns hoping to retire by the was... Pristine forest. Got any intelligent feed back for the destruction of our forested trails that have been used for generations? Yours truly, Nanci Sullivan Fish.
March 10 peace ..... fresh air ... silence ... so by german

I go to the forest 3 or 5 times a year , at least for a few hrs .... when I return home ( orlando ) I feel new ....WHY IS THAT ? ... I think that we , like human we need silence ..we make too much noise with ours cars and industries ( painfully we need our cars and industries ) ...Ocala Forest is a place were we can find the sound of nature .... and the fresh air from the trees .... and just the look of only trees , the sound of the thunders and rain , the colors of the sky ..... I return from Ocala with new energy , with a deeper understand of myself and our world ..Ocala Forest make me think that WE MUST build our civilization in harmony with nature . WHY people go there to hunt the so few animals left ? . I believe that the animals in Ocala are part of that beauty ... I can see more animals and birds in Orlando that Ocala Forest probably because is SOOOOOOO many hunting there .... is not time to stop the hunting ? and let the animals and birds live there without fear of human so we can enjoy their beauty ? is not better watch an alive animal that see them in the agony of death ? Please stop the hunting of the few animals left .... I guess lots of people like guns for nature , problem is so few animals left that is like use your credit card to the limit ....
March 6 Offers stress relief by -Sue S

I have ridden horses in the southern part of the ONF, near the Big Bass Campsite and find it so enjoyable & relaxing. On several occassions I have seen deer, eagles, turtles, bear footprints, etc. There are trails and wide open spaces to ride in with various types of plants and trees to see. It is truly beautiful. You could spend days out there, discovering new things everyday. So thankful for this National Forest!
February 10 Water Bottling Plant proposed for ONF by Brian Suciu

Family Wants To Bottle Water In Marion County
Some homeowners told WFTV they are gearing up for a big fight at a public hearing next week. (02/09/11)
See the News Report on about the 6 million dollar water plant that is proposed for a residential
neighbor hood located in the middle of Ocala National Forest and will be overlooking Lake George!
May 4 POOR Park Management by unhappy with ocala

Silver Glen Springs management over the last year has been rude, unfriendly and down right disrespectful. The female who manages the park are is one of the rudest people I have ever come in contact with. I visited the park on several occasions last year and on each over heard her being cruel or rude to others in the park and boaters as well as two times with my own family. Went this past weekend and experienced the same, we will not return
April 9 Rejuvenates the soul by Rebecca

I would stay at one of the Ocala National Forest campgrounds every weekend if I could. Yes there is a 10pm quiet restriction but that is just for generators and other loud noises. Was never told to put out fire at 10pm - just to be quiet which was refreshing especially with 6 children! We have stayed at 3 campgrounds and all were well maintained and very peaceful!
March 18 Juniper Springs by Mike Rowlands

I have lived in this area of Juniper Springs for nearly 20 years. I have camped at the springs many times. I always love this place. I however can not stand the management here at Juniper Springs. I have friends coming to camp this weekend and I am told I must pay a daily entrance fee to just visit them at the campsight. Is this fair to anyone but the receivers of the $5.50? I also feel that the annual pass should cover all of the springs in this forest. I have an annual pass but it does not cover Juniper Springs. Call Rick Lint to get this changed. He is the head Forester in this area.
December 11 artists inspiration by thomas reale

the beauty of primitive america inspires for me creativity and my new book; the adventures of the london detectives- from publish america,com includes a story about floridas central area,

we go hunting near the naval range and it best thing to see and here the jets and bombs so COOL!!!!!!!
November 9 Atv riders

This park belongs to everyone not just the good ole boy hunters its a darn shame that all the damage has been blamed on 4 wheelers and not the 4000 lb 4 wheel drives that are actually making the damage out there. The forest needs to be divided in half for riding and hunting get used to it, its coming
August 28 Wow what a spring run!!! by hapydazy

This is our favorite Spring Run. Everytime you go it changes. In our opinion not for the first timer (go to Alexander Springs for that)Going again tomorrow!!! 8-29-09
August 3 Be still to enjoy by C. Farr

The point of visiting a place of natural beauty such as this is to be quiet AT ALL TIMES to enjoy the sound of the wind, birds, creatures in the undergrowth. It is not recommended for those who crave the racket of roller coasters or, at night, to relive keg parties in the frat. Be still and appreciate.
July 7 no maps no info NO OPEN VISITOR STATION

It is absolutely BEAUTIFUL but you will be discovering trails
on your own unless you arrive on a weekend when the sign said the office would be open. HINT: The Park Service Office is in the shopping complex down from the Black Bear Market at Salt Springs on 19. Nobody around knows anything while they sit amid great beauty but everyone is friendly. The Black Bear Market did sell us maps and gave us info on The Yearling Trail. The trailhead is south on 19 appx 4 miles down from the closed Park Service Office & the trail needs maintenance but who cares-- what a fantastic place!!! Definitely roughing it on the trails-- would not take small kids.
May 10 first time here by shawnbeachside

My son and I camped at Delancy east and had a great time, we saw and heard gators, ran several of the forest trails in the north end of the park, swam in the Oklawaha, and got to see a black bear and a wild turkey! An awesome start, we will definitely come back!
May 6 A Campers Dream Come True by L. McCoy

Salt Springs National Park is one of the most beautiful campgrounds we have ever visited. The sites are very spacious and the bathrooms and shower houses are always very clean.While we were there the workcampers were very friendly and helpful,especially one named Larry. We have told all our friends about this wonderful park. This is one that you have to visit to believe. We hope to return again next Spring.
May 4 home lot`s of goodoboys steeal my stuff by rsand67

hog vally is not to good on road 19 steeal all the time park is top`s
April 18 Be prepared by Mike

Enjoyable time, but make sure to stop at a Visitors Station. Evidently the Visitor Station is the only place allowed to give out trail maps. The park employees we encountered knew very little about the trails at the area they worked and nothing about other areas of the park. We ended up wasting a lot of time because of the lack of information.
April 16 Quiet Time

Wow, Quiet Time... Medication Time, Medication TIme
April 15 Home, sweet home by IFM

I live here sometimes and I love it.
April 8 Quiet time appreciated and welcomed by Dennis

We are bombarded daily by loud noise and inconsiderate actions of others. Listening to the quiet of nature after 10pm is a welcomed relief. For those that want noise, there are plenty of other places to go.
March 21 Eurika borrow pit by grouper3

The Ocala national forest needs to open the Eurika borrow pit and attach it to the atv trail system. This would give atv riders a place to play and increase the enjoyment of riding the trails. This would help also in preventing the destruction of the trails
March 11 Rangers and dispatch by karlsbikerchic

They are wonderful and helped my boyfriend out of the forest safely when there were a few brush fires in the area. They called him & made sure that he was OK. Thanks!
February 24 MY SECOND HOME by ReesieDavidson

I simply love it down there! I have spotted a pair of bald eagles, numerous alligators, cranes and many black bears. I have a friend who lives on the edge of the forest and while spending one year there, we had a nesting pair of sandhill cranes and a resident black bear that would weigh in around 400lbs.
February 23 Road conditions by Mannlicher

I love driving the forest roads in the Ocala National Forest.
First timers though, need to be aware of their surroundings and local road conditions. Some of the smaller roads are all but impassable unless you have a 4X4 vehicle AND know how to drive in sand.
Going by yourself can result in your being stuck way back in the boonies.
January 19 10PM quiet time is just too early.

Expecting campers to put out campfires and zip themselves into their tents at 10PM is really taking it too far. Midnight would be more reasonable.
May 16 Huge area with tons to do! by ike

The Ocala National forest is a gem in this part of Florida. From camping, boating, and hiking, a person can always find something to enjoy about this beautiful area.