Park Visitor: Comments, Memories and Reviews
June 14 best maintained park in n.j. by hpwarrior

Expert cedar shake roofing. By far best maint. Crew in the state. Maint. Specialist 1howell is amazing.
February 18 The Best Park by Fanny

As a child, living just 8 miles from High Point, we swam, picniked, hiked , etc. up at High Point almost daily. Our parents would drive us there and we would swim and explore all day. I love it there and still go there and show people i meet. I Love it.....
March 28 Excellent for Hiking by Jersey Boy

With Boy Scout Troop hiking AT south from monument for about 5 hours March 26:
trail in excellent shape, beautiful vistas, light snow covered suroundings with occasional grove of scrub pine (reminiscent of Estes Park in CO). A must do/see.
September 12 What a Great Park! by wingleader09

I visited High Point State Park for the first time yesterday. What a nice park! Great picnic sites, camp sites and shelters. There are many wonderful trails for enjoying the flora and fauna of NJ as well. As a new resident of the Garden State, I very much appreciated this great park. I will be back!
September 1 lovely, lovely, lovely by karena

If you enjoy quaint mountaintop lakes with a beautiful clean beach, this state park is for you. it also has a monument that you can go that has incredible views. Worth the trip
May 28 childhood to adulthood by taz

i remember going to this park as a child and our family still goes there to this day. it is always clean and that i have children i will make it a point to take my children there to experience this beautiful park as i did when i was a child....
April 19 Unbelievable ! by Thunder Cat

In a crazy, chaotic, & often stress filled world; High Point State Park is one of the few places that continues to impress me. I can always expect to find something new while on one of the many hikes! There are inconceivable varieties of plants and wildlife. I saw my first porcupine, muskrat, and bald eagle while at HPSP. The park also has impressive camping accomodations, shelters for AT hikers, the beach, HP monument, and the observation deck (right off the scenic drive to the monument). I encourage all to explore nature and beg New Jersey to protect the Division of Parks and Forestry in what is already the most densly populated state.
September 27 humminbirds

love the energy/the beauty//got a visit from hummingbirds // rainbows and butterflies (was in july) going back in october with great friends and misic //fire//nature.....
August 18 A hidden treasure by Paul in NJ

My wife suggested that our family spend the day there. We loved it -- the beach is clean as is the lake (which is surprisingly warm). It is just so relaxing. We will visit again!
August 3 Nice Place by Manny

Very nice enviroment and well kept.
July 6 Great weekend ! by RJF

Over the 4th of July weekend we were at Sawmill Lake at HPSP. The sites have fire rings, picnic tables and individual parking. Flush toilets and water are within walking distance of each and every site. Sawmill is a very well maintained campground, easy for the first timers as well as the seasoned vets. The NJ State Park Police were prevalent and helpful. They curtailed an extremely large group (45+) that had rented several sites next to each other. The group was ?invading? and disrupting surrounding campers as well as the camp grounds. The State Park Police helped by addressing all of these issues on the spot.
HPSP is a fantastic place to get away to and only a short ride from NJ and NY metropolitan area. 5+ Stars / AAA+
May 31 Trail took me to NY by Brandi kerekes

Haha, ok so there we were on the monument trail...we were following the green marks on the trees which then ended up taking us on the most rocky trail, and without hiking boot, with our typical everyday sneakers, we followed it and ended up walking right onto a road about 2 hours later. Five cars drive by and they had ny plates..uh I knocked on the door of a house near by, they told me we were in port jervis, ny and it was a 14 mile walk back if we took the road, so we just hopped back on the trail and walked back, up hill..we were hurting...haha, so it was pretty fun i shall say. Our poor feet would disagree...but I mean, 5 stars all the way, I had a good time!
May 28 Great memories

Used to there every summer and camp for week.used to swim in the lake but the beach has since been graveled over. Taking my son camping this summer. I love this place
March 7 Great park by karen ann

Beautiful mountain top park with swimming beach. Great for those Hot summer days. I had heard that the state of New Jersey was considering closing this park. I hope this does not happen. That would be terrible. I love this park.
February 11 use to go here when we were kids

this is one of the best memories i have, every summer when we were kids my mom and her husband would load a bunch of us kids into the car and we would go to high point,my mom would go to work from the site and us kids would stay and play the day away,,
i am thinking of taking my grandkids here with some friends this summer,
the problume is i dont know where to get any info on this site, so if someone can help that would be great
happy camping
May 25 NJ - Armpit of America by Hegblade

Those of us in the know are happy the disparaging remarks about NJ persist. Our idyllic surrounding are second to none. High Point and Stokes are jewels. Keep it on the DL.
May 20 Second favorite place in the whole world by scarecrow

There is no place like HPSP and it was getting better every year(except for fireplace inserts at cabins) I go there quite often as --because of the beauty of HPSP I now live in similar surroundings--my first favorite place in the world. What idiots want to close it??