(lat:40.752 lon:-80.6812)

For more than twenty years, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) has been acquiring land from willing sellers and securing conservation easements in the area surrounding the Little Beaver Creek. In 1998, ODNR acquired an additional 1,122 acres east of Grimm?s Bridge near Calcutta, Ohio.
Those of you who live in or are familiar with the area know of its attributes and the demand for trail riding, hiking, hunting, and other outdoor activities. The need for accommodating diverse outdoor recreation coupled with the protection of the unique resource was a primary factor in establishing Ohio?s 20th State Forest under the multiple use management philosophy of the ODNR Division of Forestry.
Given the history and features of the region, and the diverse interests in its use and protection, we knew that there would be much interest in using this resource. To overlook this would have been irresponsible on our part.
At this point, we have located part of the boundary for the larger, southern tract of land. The website map linked above identifies this area generally. Within that area we have marked a large portion with ?Public Hunting Area? signs. We have been advising people that the area east of Grimm?s Bridge from the railroad right-of-way east to the Pennsylvania line will be marked for public hunting. The Pennsylvania/Ohio state line remains to be marked. As always, it is the responsibility of those hunting to know whose land they are on. (Consult our map of Beaver Creek State Forest showing hunting area boundary.)
In addition to those who want to hunt on the property, there are those who want to fish, ride mountain bikes and quad runners, hike, and ride horses. We will not be able to do all of this in a short period of time. And there will undoubtedly be activities that will not be permitted at all. Our forest rule 1501:3-4-04 states that ?No person shall operate any motor vehicle or ride any APV, snowmobile, bicycle, dog sled, or horse within any state forest except over and upon roads, trails or other facilities designated and provided and posted for such purpose unless authorized by the chief or his authorized agent.? Currently we are citing those individuals that we catch riding quad runners on our property. To this end we will assess the current facilities as well as the overall needs for the area. In order to obtain the input of many individuals and potential user groups, we feel that this is the most responsible approach.
GeneralLand, acres1,100