have gone to alot of state parks but this was the most annoying. We had a man pull up our camper and then he was leaving after he set it up for us.Within 30 mins. after being there,the park host came up and stated,very rudely,that he had to be out in the next 5 mins.So he left without finishing the setup. We have always set up a tent with our camper with no complains. Our grandkids love it.The camp host saw us setting it up and said nothing that day! Early next day the camp host inform us,rudely again,that we had to take it down or pay an extra 18.00 a night.We were already paying 20.00 a night for camper. The camp host came back in about 30 mins. and said we could keep it up but not sleep in it.We agreed.So 3 grandmothers and 5 grandkids slepted in camper.We left tent up and stored extra clothes in the air mattresses in there for grandkids to play their games.We were doing what we were told very rudely to do.That night a severe storm came and the sheets we had left and one the air mattress got wet. We were told that we would be checked on making sure no one was sleeping in tent.The day after the storm new host came,Francis,came and told us she had went back on the files and that we had to get the tent down now and we why were the air mattresses still up and why were we drying sheet.The storm was last night.She was very condensing and spoked very rudly.We spoke nice and took tent down and I even after 10 that night went to her camper and informed her that someone had left hot water running cause they couldnt turn it off.She wasnt a happy camper! This was a camping trip from --. The only good thing was the new friends we made.Try sleeping in a camper with 3 old women and 5 young kids! We did it.We arrived Friday but 1 adult and 3 kids went home Wed. because of all of this.You did have a great playground!I have never been so rudely treated in all my camping adventures.I myself had seen camp host get on people for petty things.I know rules are to be honor but come-.Some of us had to stay the whole time cause the man who was pulling us back would not be able to come back untill Fri.TGIF.