Park Visitor: Comments, Memories and Reviews
September 28 THanks for the tip by Chase Burke

it is so cool thanks!!!!!!!!!
August 9 Derrick by Jessene

Right On Derrick!!!! Miss You Jessene
April 22 What a paradise right down the road by Linda

Simms Cove is a wonderful spot for the whole family! If you decided to go down for the weekend get there early, especially for the Fourth Of July! There is so much beauty right down the road from our house, and a great recreation for the kids!!!!
July 28 This guy is good! by Royal Elk

Last weekend we were staying at the simms site side of lake as always, that new Ranger just continues to impress me. This site next to us was being very loud and the Ranger gave them two warnings to quiet down. The second time he let them know that if he had to return, they would have to leave the park. He used just enough tact and sterness that they did quiet down. He is really good with people.
May 21 New Ranger at Simms site by Royal Elk

This new ranger at the simms area is very nice and helpful. He seems to know just how to handle situations.
September 3 Be legal! wardon will spank! by isa beauty

Fishing is good, carefull of speed boats.