July 27 Disappointing by Karla

First time visiting Glendo state park We went out there no reservation they did not mention on entrance we needed one just charged me we found a nice spot.. lady came by around 5 pm stating she had reserves it does state in rules if no show at certain time someone else can use the spot. Anyway Im a Mexican and had a very rude white lady harassing my 16 yr old daughter because she was using a jetski saying if she hit her she would kill her. I went off on her and she called the rangers over stating I had an ilegal jetski and had no control over it and that we tried to intentionally hit her and her kids. While she had been taking pictures videos of us and just talking crap at least half a day. Rangers get there and said its only verbal nothing can be done although her husband did agree she was wrong and so did many other people around. There was many of people there only us hispanic only people she had issues with of course I went off on her yelling And rangers said all they could do was give her a warning. Had it been me I would have been kicked out . Very disappointed we are living 2022and stills have racial issues and nothing can be done if you are not the white person being harassed Im still waiting for the call they promised as Im still interested in taking her to court
January 15 Not being taken care of by Nunya_B

My husband and I are Wyoming residents and have been coming here for years. We went 3 times this last summer. This place is being treated terribly, not being cleaned and kept up, and the park is profiting off of out of towners who are coming in and taking over our land. The bathrooms in sandy beach are disgusting with the exception of one that appears to be cleaned daily. There were branches and debris everywhere and fire bans were in effect all summer long. Fire pits are there for a reason and have been forever, with our ancestors. The fire bans are completely unnecessary. The water level of the lake had shrunk significantly each time we came back which shows that it was not being refilled at all. And on top of all of this they were charging at least $5 more a night than the previous year. If youre going to be taking our money and charging us more, then you need to take care of this land and stop allowing out of towners to come and take it over. This is our land and this is not going unnoticed by your residents.
July 7 It was like camping on a landfill by LH

We spent the first hour or more picking up trash Cooked and raw food was everywhere Hamburgers, hotdogs, raw chicken Jalapeos and limes all over the groundWe cleaned up food wrappers, broken glass bottles, aluminum cans, clothes, shoes, ropes from trees My dogs ate crap tossed everywhere and even brought me used tamponsWe spent good money to have a good time I left two days early from a reserved campsite Super disappointed with the unsanitary condition at Glendo My daughter deserves her money back She was embarrassed because she invited people to have a good time and there was nowhere to be without trash Its a beautiful lake but I dont think Ill ever go back or recommend anyone I know to camp at Glendo
June 25 by Sherril_M

We camped for 10 days at Glendo June 10 -20 2021. On the weekend the camp grounds were full mainly with Colorado campers very few Wyoming campers, in our campground we were the only Wyoming people there. During the week we drove around many different campgrounds and checked sites to possibly camp at in the future, we also checked on your site to see if they were reserved. Almost all of the sites showed reserved for days and nobody camping in them, we they did become occupied it was with Colorado and Nebraska campers which is not right at all. If they dont show up what do they lose $4.00 big deal. Your reservation system needs a serve overhaul that allows us Wyoming campers at least a month to book reservations before any out of staters are allowed to reserve spots for days on end and then dont show up until the weekend.
They also dont pay that much more for yearly or camping permits then we as Wyomingnites do. Better yet raise camping fees and do away with reservations altogether and make every site first come first serve. This is Wyomings lake and Wyoming campers should be able to enjoy it all season.
September 15 by Rio

Trying to find out any information about Glendo is like pulling teeth. They never answer the phone. Does anyone know if they have any reservable tent camping sites? Or are they pretty much all first come? I see the electric hookup sites for rvs are reservable.
April 24 Great year round get-away by WY native

Always glad to have park ranger stop by for chat. Glendo is close place to get away for few hrs or few days. Kids have great memories of fun Summer camping times & rules were observed! We think it unfair that one vehicle will set up 2 or 3 tents in adjacent campsites to save for friends who come later days for weekend. Rules are there for a reason.
July 5 almost awsome by wyo fisherman

really cool spot accept for rude disrespectful people, if the rangers are hassling you its because you are doing something wrong like it or go home
August 16 About time by Wyoming Resident

I went to Glendo last year and had nothing but trouble with the people that were out of control . I personally am grateful for the decision to Control this.
July 31 Gestapo by chad

Tried to fish by the shore and was told to leave by park rangers and we were all by ourselves not bothering anyone. I will not spend my money here ever again.
June 26 the state of wyoming should be ashamed

What a beatiful lake had a wonderful time fishing camping only complaint the is no fish cleaning stations. Garbage dumpsters were horrible. The amount of revenue that lake generates would justify a number of fish cleaning stations
June 18 Sandy beach camping... by Tammy

We had a great time at Glendo....love Sandy Beach...we had a problem with rangers kicking us out of what their website said was first come sites...they claimed the signs had been stolen all on one side of the road....? We were almost kicked out for demanding an explanation....we did move and had a great time...except for the long walk to water from our new
April 12 Rudd Park Rangers by Native of Wyoming

Went boating and camping with family, my brother and dad showed up unexpectantly, the park ranger gave us 40 min to move or recieve fine, even though we had two tables and fire rings. Lake was full and ranger would not help locate another spot, we ended up leaving. Heard storiess of rudd rangers but first time I experianced it. Bad weekend. Would not recommend Glendo to anyone.
March 19 Camping @ Glendo by Susan

My family has been camping at Glendo for over 20 years. In this amount of time there has been a lot of changes, some good alot bad. We usually stay for 2 weeks. There is approximatley around 10-15 of us at any given time we do not stay up late or play loud music we just want to camp together and have a good time. The Park Rangers are rude and harasse the people in camp and change the rule to fit there moods. Last year we had to pick up camp and move our camper back 10 feet to be closer to a fire ring. Having designated spots with fire rings and tables has become a real sore spot. We use to camp at Bennett hill next to the water and never had any problems, we never even saw a Park Ranger, as of last year you are no longer allowed to camp along the water. Please wake up before you lose all Wyoming campers.
January 25 No fish cleaning station !!! by Frequent fisher

Desperately need fish cleaning stations!!!! Less bike trails!
October 6 Great Trails

Those new trails are great for mountain biking. Thanks and keep up the good work.
July 30 Best place ever

I went boating on the lake and it was beautiful. definitely going again.
July 25 Absolutely Beautiful by July 20th trip

What a wonderful place. We visited for the first time last week and was amazed with the beauty and how well kept the park was. The rules were clearly given at the check-in booth and they are reasonable and maybe even more casual than other places in the region. We were visited by Rangers but they were pleasant and just checking that our large group was aware of dog leash rules. I understand that they are tougher the closer you get to Sandy Beach but we camped and boated on the other side. This is a perfect spot for a family camping/boating trip. I will definitely be back.
July 22 Beautiful paradise

It sounds like from the reviews the only people dissatisfied with the new rules are enormous groups of 15 to 20 or more. It has been my experience those large parties are the ones who play loud music and keep the rest of us awake at night. So maybe the rules are not all bad for everyone else. I do miss being able to camp anywhere though. Not everybody needs or wants a designtated spot with a table and fire ring. Experienced campers know how to dig a fire pit and pack out their own trash and bring their own water. How about stiff fines for garbage and noise violations instead of preventing everybody from camping as nature intended? It would relieve congestion. Nobody wants to get away from it all and then camp in a small city in an industrialized campground.
July 21 Glendo by Glendo Lover

We love it down at Glendo and have no problems abiding by the rules & regulations. Thos that have a problem with them should maybe consider going somewhere else. As for us, we will gladly keep going there.
July 6 Rules are Unreal

I have been going to Glendo for over 20 years and the rules are so out of control I will never go back. I will be spending my money in Colorado. I totaly agree with other three people about the rules and it will never be the same!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
July 2 changes at Glendo.??????????????? by daryl gade

my family and friends have been going to glendo for years and usually stay for about 12 days. it is a family affair. it now seems that whoever is in charge is putting this kind of family entertainment to an end. we now are required to camp at seperate campsites.. congratulations to the one responsible for taking away a great family experience.
June 20 Will Never Be The Same

I have been going to this lake many times a year for the last 20 years and I am sad to say that I will not be going back. I realize some rules needed to be made because of how crazy Sandy Beach has gotten and how high the water is but this is rediculous. I am fine with designated camping but our group of 20 plus people can no longer camp together or even sit around a camp fire together because of the 10 person rule and trust me the rules are fully enforced by the rangers. This once magical place has changed for the worst and will never be the same. We too are looking for a new lake to take our fun and money to which is sad to say considering how truly wonderfull both the lake and town used to be.
June 16 Unreal Rules

Have been going to Glendo anywhere from 8-10 times per year. Spend many dollars at Rosters and other establishments while camping and fishing. Early in May with hardly any visitors we camped in the same spot we have camped many times, just after getting set up a Park Ranger approached and made us move across the cove where a table and fire pit were established. Went back to same spot for memorial day and within 12 hours had 3 visits from park rangers who said we had to move one of our campers because of the 1 camp per spot (the year before we had 8 campers with plenty of room). Glendo is losing revenue due to the restrictions placed on camping. Many great spots have been eliminated with not much thought. While out night fishing had ranger come in and write unattended vehicle.
June 1 Rules are ruining the experience

Me and a large group of friends have been going to Glendo State Park and camping together for every Memorial day weekend for the past 12 years. Virtually all of the group members are originally Wyoming residents...however, some have relocated to Colorado for better paying jobs.
This year was the very first year that we were informed by the State Park Rangers that we could not longer camp together as we have in the past. They have a bunch of new rules now. 1) You can no longer camp anywhere around the lake...it now have to be a designated spot with firepit and table. 2) You can only have 10 people around any campfile. I know....really??
3) You can only have 2 tents at an designated camp spot. 4) Only 2 vehicles are allowed per campspot.
All these new rules have really turned us off to Glendo. Not only is the State Park going to lose the revenue from my large group but as is the small, local business in the town of Glendo.
If the goal of these new regulations were to drive folks to other locations....great job Glendo State Park...you have succeeded. We are already researching a new lake for us next year.
September 6 The best lake around!! by Austin

We have a cabin up here on the lake, I have been coming up here for years and years. We have never had a bad summer, the water is perect the beach is amazing and the boating lifestyle is the best.
July 13 Nothing better! by Brittni Morago

Iv been going to glendo every year since i was 5. im 21 this year and i have never had a bad experiance here at glendo i love it!! Its my favorit place to go!
July 1 Memories are made here! by Tukan

This will be our 14th year. The kids love it, Sandy Beach is an excellent place to camp and the water is excellent. Newcomers beware of the sudden winds that do come up. Make sure your tent is well staked. Short of that, enjoy and start your own family memories.
May 10 been going there for 14 years

i have been going to sandy beach for 14 years and it is amazing!!!
June 14 Love this place! by Sylvia

Great family hang-out as well as adult fun spot! Great scenery and perfect for boating. Never over-crowded!
May 17 The Best Lake in the World

This is the best and most beautiful lake i have ever been to. I go every year to Custard Cove and its the best to go through the canyons and the marina is gorgeous. The beaches are awesome and the water and fishing is great
October 29 My Work on Glendo Dam by Jack Galuardi

In 1949 while working in the field for BOR out of Mills Wyoming on their 110KV transmission lines,I was called back into the office and sat there for about three weeks acting as a computer using hand calculators to do part of the cost benefit study to get the approval for the Dam.We started about 50 years back and estimated the amount of water that would be retained and discharged for flood control, irrigation use and minimal discharge to retain life in the stream and evaporation losses. First without electric generation and then with electric generation. I left to go back East to work for Bureau of Standards afterwards.Glad to see that they built it.
June 4 Our family lake by Jennifer White

My parents have gone to this lake since they were kids. Riding in our boat at glendo, and sleeping on the sandy beaches is one of my earliest memorys. This is by far the best lake i have ever been to. great boating, beautiful waters, and nice camping. I do wish they still had camping on sandy beaches though.
May 3 A very good sailing lake. by Brian and Toto Smith

This a great lake for sailing, we have been sailing here for well over 20 years, It is everything from zero wind to three reefs in the main and a small jib. We anchor in small coves overnight. It is a pity the water goes down so fast after July 4th. Sandy beach is great for playing on, our grandkids love it. Camping there is good.