Park Visitor: Comments, Memories and Reviews
August 5 Rudest rangers ivce ever encountered

while I understand the leash law. I had two dogs on a leash and my 8 month old puppy was standing in the river off leash. No warning or anything just heres your ticket. While people are across the river taking shots and pounding beers theyre treating me like a criminal. Nice park other than that. Im not the only one whos encountered rude rangers there.
April 18 Stop the freeloaders by Edgar Covey

I have not seen a single day pass or annual pass displayed in any vehicles parked at the RC airplane parking lot. And they are getting out and walking around.
January 25 Nice for a walk, short hike with kids by Kim

We walked a nice short loop above the parking areas. Then walked on road to Bubbling Geyser and Flaming Geyser trails. Both were open, a bit muddy, but not too bad. We did see a small flame and even a little bubbling at Bubbling Geyser. Small toy area was open, but lots of standing water.
August 12 Entrance fee by Rosemary Schilz

I have been enjoying the beautiful scenery at Fleming Geyser State Park since 1970. Growing up in the Auburnn area, this park has always been the highlight for a day picnic or hike for my children. Now that they are grown, I take my dog. In July I was disappointed when I received a $99 parking fee for not having a valid pass. When I entered the park that Sunday morning, there was not an employee at the entrance to renew my pass (it expired 4 days earlier). In addition, I did not have $10 cash with me to pay for the day pass. I entered the park and decided I would renew by pass on the way out. When I explained all this to the park ranger, he said nothing he could do . I would have to go to court and explain it to the judge. It is really too bad that a long time patron that paid the entrance fee the previous year would be treated so poorly. I renewed by pass on the way out. Instead of having a pleasant day at the park, this situation has soured my visits. I encourage management to rethink their policies and allow paying customers some allowance.
July 9 No visible geyser

$10 daily pass and the geyser is not flaming. The original flaming geyser is barely bubbling. And as another reviewer said, the trail to the bubbling geyser is closed. Very disappointed and wished we had known prior to paying $10 that the geyser was no longer flaming.
July 6 Good Old Park

I have been soming to this park since I was a little girl, And I bring my kids to this park. Its a great park if your a local! people from other places just dont understand.....
March 28 Nice Park

Well to explain more about the park.
The whole park was flooded about 2 to 4 feet high and it washed out most of the trails and some bridges, this is why most of the park was closed and its all open now except for the trial to the upper bubbling geyser. It has nothing to due with lack of maintence, since the park has like 4 rangers that LIVE on-site. Not to mention that you would go to a park in washington during the fall or winter and expect to find that the parks look amazing is ridiculous.
September 19 Disappointed by Laura

We were very disappointed. We saw one bubbling geyser, but the trails to the flaming geyser were closed due to lack of maintenance. A sign was posted warning if you trespassed on the trail you were committing a class 2 criminal offense. We came to see the geysers only to learn if we attempted to see them we would be breaking the law. We came from quite a distance only to be turned away. The rest of the park was nice, the lawns were vast and had been mowed, there were other assesible trails and the river access is wonderful. Most of the rest rooms were closed. It could be a great park with a little more care.
June 24 Our favorite park

This park is awesome! We were all so sad when we found out that part of it is closed!
January 17 Part of the park is closed by RC Flyer

Most of the park is closed now due to maintenance / budget problems. Other than that this park is a great place to enjoy the wildlife and river of the area.
July 7 Disappointment by Loisb

Years ago I visited Flaming Geyser and today I took out of state visitors there. I had such nice memories of the flame and so enjoyed it way back when. How disappointing to find that the flame has been encased in concrete and is barely visible. The trail to Bubbling Geyser has been damaged and is not accessible.
The park itself was nice with some of the trail still accessible. Apparently fire and alcohol are a problem but the countless signs at every turn are distracting.