Park Visitor: Comments, Memories and Reviews
September 24 Equestrian day use by Diane

I would love to be able to return to the lovely area around Shaw Lake for a day trip and ride the trails which I understand are in great condition due to countless volunteer hours. The day parking lot for horse trailers in this area has been closed for years and I understand it still is. Is there any place to park with a horse trailer for just day use without having to pay for Camping overnight If so, where is it I tried calling with this question, had to leave a message but never got an answer back.
March 30 what about the trail systems. by Chip Heath

I bought 4 bridle tags for myself and family,now I find out all of the trails are closed, someone decided they needed to close all of the trails after the March 2nd tornado. Most trails were not even affected. Do not forget DNR the tax payers own this park, we pay you to manage it not to close it. Wake up and do the right thing!!!
January 7 Re: Lady kicked by a horse by Redqueen

Becky is all healed; back at work.
July 21

Excellent horse camping facilities, blacktop drive and pad for the trailer, really nice stalls and the trail riding has lots of options beginner to rugged. Great trails! I will go back again.
May 30 Lady Kicked by Horse, Clark State Forest by Sommer

At Clark State Forest, in Henryville, Indiana, a lady named Becky was riding her mule on one of the horse trails, and was kicked by a horse, seriously injuring her leg. If anyone has any information about her status, please post a comment about it. Thank you.
April 2 Plenty of hiking, very nice park by Dragonfyre

5 Stars - Ok fishing, good hiking...