Park Visitor: Comments, Memories and Reviews
March 9 Great place to view wildlife and walk. by Al sr.
August 2 speaking in praise of bur oaks

Why not contact the Commissioner, Tom Landwehr, about the cutting of the oaks. The DNR commissioner has changed with the new Dayton administration and maybe the impetus for cutting oaks, as well.
July 27 Forest Harvesting by Mother Nature

Forest harvesting is a good thing.Mature oak trees block out sunlite that other vegetation need to grow. New trees will be planted and vegetation will grow and feed the wildlife.In nature forest fires do this but in areas close to houses harvesting is the best opption.It is good for the wildlife and brings in money for other conservation projects like blue herrion nesting in the WMA.This is all a part of wild life management and a part of nature.I have been in forest areas all over MN and WIS. The MN DNR does a great job of forest management.
June 24 Forest Harvesting by Concerned

I would like to know who I should contact to let the DNR know how concerned I am regarding the proposed harvesting of 70 acres of primarily mature, large oak trees? The location of the trees in question is off Anoka County Road 22, 2.5 miles west of the city of Wyoming and I-35. The purpose is purportedly to ?improve wildlife habitat? ???
I understand that the DNR will auction off these magnificent trees and will collect approximately $11 per cord. Who or what is benefiting from this devastation of public land? It certainly isn?t the wildlife or the people of Minnesota.
April 27 Spring Conditions by Pat (fallgirl)

We like to come as often as possible in the early spring before all the black flies and other bugs hatch. We are waterfowl and birdwatchers. We can never seem to get anyone on the phone or find information about the conditions of the roads, or if they have been made passable by vehicle yet. One year we entered only to find our access cut off on a few of our favorite turns. Can you please post this information.
We, of course, come at other times during the summer and fall also, but early spring is best for birdwatching (before the trees leaf out). Thank you.
April 25

While turkey hunting out in carlos avery. People walking would stop and stare for 5 or more minnutes at your decoys and try to walk up to them and you. Another time our party was out turkey hunting and had a couple with a dog come up to us while we were calling a tom in.This couple with the dog would not walk away and kept staring and walking towards us. Needless to say I believe while turkey hunting season is going no,anyone who is not hunting should not be allowed to wonder off the roads and have more respect for the people who are hunting during that time. Turkey hunters are on a lottery system and only get a couple days to hunt and to have people scare turkeys that we worked hard to call in, is just makes me angry to have a none hunter go off trail and scare them away. But other than that I love the place. I love seeing and hearing the wildlife around me while I am out there.
May 2 Needs More Signs

We live nearby, and like to visit often. For years, we have waited for them to put up more signs, to at least mark the main circle drive through the area. The side roads look interesting, but since absolutely no signs are anywhere, one is afraid to wander off what appears to be the main drive. Someone answering the phone once in awhile would help...
April 15 Great WMA by Noodlez

I am a writer, and being from Forest Lake, Carlos Avery is a part of my dictionary. I wish this site contained some background and history of the area. Thanks for so many good memories!
October 8 A great park, in agreat state, by David Sivright

this park was named for an early conservationist, before there were conservatiodists. My grandfather, Carlos Avery.