Park Visitor: Comments, Memories and Reviews
September 27 School Camp by Tammy

This was a very good setting for a school learning camp. I would not recommend the hike to the cross. It is on less than a goat trail straight up and straight down.
May 14 Memories by Interested

I just found out my Grandparents owned this land before the camp and before the Conservation corps. My Grandparents had to move to a farm outside Dayton.
October 19 I love it here it was so much fun!! by Lily fur

It took my time to see what was happening
June 11 Been there done that by Keyairah B. Dayton, WA

I go there every year for 4-h camp and once for 6 grade camp and i love it!!!
May 20 amazing camp by Ki-Be sixth grader

O.M.G. The best camp ever! I loved the archery range! The otter in the lake was ADORABLE!
April 10 plans to go back by Norberto jaimes

i went to camp wooten 18 yrs ago with my 6th grade classmates, had an awesome time. I remember only taking 3 pairs of socks, bad idea they got so dirty on those hikes, so if anyone is going pack up enough of them.
May 28 Awesome Camp!!! by Ki-Be 6th grader

I just got home from wooten with the rest of the 6th graders at my school. I had an awesome time! There were amazing views on the hike, fishing was good, and i fell in the lake! my school has been going to wooten for about 50 years. it was an awesome camp!!!!!
Look out for the Loup de Garou!!
March 31 jason lee outdoor edu. at camp wooten by angelica aguilar

jason lee elementary richland wa has been going to camp for 33 years and i think camp wooten was the best week of my life the cabins are nice there bunk beds are very comfy and ranger tim is very nice all hikes are wonderful and have a great view
June 23 watch for cougars! by Hannah

i went to camp wooten with my 6th grade class in 2008! i had an awesome time! its a long drive from clarkston by bus but it was worth it! when me and my cabin were coming back from the showers at 10:15 PM there was a rustling in the bushes we had forgot to bring our flashlights so we didnt think anything of it until the next day when the boys told us that there was a cougar lurking around the girls cabins, and that rustling in the bushes WAS THE COUGAR! My whole cabin could have been carried off by that cougar! SO NEVER FORGET TO BRING YOUR FLASHLIGHT AND A ROCK WITH YOU AT NIGHT OUT IN THE FOREST!!!!! BEWARE OF THE COUGAR! ANYWHERE IN THE FOREST! but please dont be scared of camp wooten it is a great place and the park rangers got rid of the cougar! please go and visit Camp Wooten!